iTunes is the weapon of choice for most podcast listeners, but it only really makes sense to use if you have an iPod. Instead I use a program called Juice.

I subscribe to about 15 podcasts and they all come out on different days of the week. The top five are:
BBC Newspod -
A daily collection of news from across BBC news programs.
Military History Podcast -
Produced by a teenage somewhere in the US, this podcast discusses battles, equipment and armies from ancient history to the present day.
PC Gamer Podcast -
PC Gamer Magazine (which I've never read) editors talk about pc game stuff. It's a good laugh.
Matt's Today In History -
Once or twice a week some guy called Matt (not me) discusses an important event in history that occurred on that date.
CBC's Quirks & Quarks Podcast -
I've never heard anyone so excited about science. Covers a wide variety of science related subjects once a week. Usually interesting, but sometimes mind numbingly boring...
And just to finish, here is a picture of a truck I've seen a few times in the daily traffic jam going into Glasgow. I thought the big guy on the back was funny so I snapped it.
I'd no idea that's what you listened to in the mornings! So thats you what you do with that juice thing each evening then eh?!! Like that lorry! cheryl x
OOo i'll check some of those out!
Also see:
Movies you SHould See
NPR story of the day
NPR world story of the day
60 Second Science
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